Friday, July 31, 2009

Nice Rain and Not So Nice Rain

Oh the joys of gardening!
I am such a plant it and see what happens gardening girl...
I love taking strolls in my garden with my camera to see what I can find...

Here are some poppy seed heads.
They are my favorite "thing" in my garden this year so far!

This is a Poppy that just lost it's petals - it looks like a fancy collar around the seed head doesn't it?

These popped up in the area of the lawn where we had to replant some of the grass due to a patio installation and heavy equipment being used.
Never saw this kind of fungi before and I'm quite pleased to find them growing - even for just a few days...

These must be night blooming...
In the day they look like this, then the next day, spent flower heads...
Go figure! Now I've got to try to stay awake and remember to go and check them out...
It is just not something this pregnant body wants to do - or really can do...

Here are my 2008 favorites.
They seem to be a bit different this year...
Maybe a bit more yellow in the flower, and not so many cool spiraling happening...

We've had a lot of rain this summer, and it's humid - very, very humid...

I do enjoy the way the water collects as droplets on the flowers though...

Chloe loves the rain!
When it's a nice soft rain, we go outside and she looks up and spreads her hands up wide...
It's so new to her - I just don't know how to describe her astonishment and excitement...
Yesterday we had the umbrellas out for some extra fun in the 10 minute shower...

This is Chloe hanging out with Jamie and Maggie (the dog) at their house in the garden.
I think Chloe and Jamie are going to be the best of friends growing up - they already have so many things in common and similar interests (and only a few months apart in age).
His mom Natalie and I were like sisters from the instant we shared studio space in college.
We are both clay and nature girls - and can't help but to get pregnant - both times within months of each other.
We are both expecting our 2nd babies - she in Oct, me in Jan... Too funny!

This is a hailstorm that we had a week ago. I haven't seen hail for some time...
This hail was about the size of an acorn.
The storm was SO loud and super windy, but luckily only lasted about 15 minutes or so.
My garden was so torn up after this.
And delicate flowers or large petal plants were ripped to shreds.
A week later though, they are on the way to recovery (I hope).

Oh, and this picture - how weird...
I had posted a picture of these two small dogwoods back in the spring with a wishing well in between them (see a few posts ago).
Well that wicked wind, rain and hail storm really did some damage with trees around here...
That tree is cut in this picture, but it had spanned across the street when it fell.
And luckily, just missed the wishing well and those two trees that are growing to look like one.
Oh, and by the way, I'm having a couple of giveaways on my Marsha Neal Studio Blog...
If you leave a comment on this post:
you will be entered to win one of my porcelain daisy decal pendants.
See that blog for the details (drawing on Fri. Aug 7, 2009).

Hope your garden is growing well!
Thanks for stopping by...

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