Thursday, July 2, 2009

This year so far...

It's hard to believe that this annually barren hill...

That I can't wait for to start to grow something...

Starts to burst into full green...
Now needs daily weeding...
(Late June - after weeding bottom part)

I enjoy throwing seeds in my garden (attempting to "throw" or rather drop spread them in a height arrangement of shortest to tallest) to see what can grow. Deer come by and eat some, others don't grow at all - it's all about what makes it in my garden...

This year my grandma Neal gave me these Poppy seeds. I had others that I bought and tried in years past, but they just never grew. She must've had some magic seeds like Jack and the Beanstalk...

I am really enjoying that this week a lot of the annual seeds are starting to bloom.
This picture is of 2 of the above poppies after they lost their petal. The one in the middle lost it first. The one to the right they had just fallen. The one on the left - well that one has yet to bloom...
Oh, wonderful garden inspiration - there you are!!!

This is one of the Carolina Wrens that has been nesting in a gourd for the past 2 summers in our front tree. Every time I see it, I just can't believe how tiny this bird is... Itsy-Bitsy-Teeny-Tiny bird! And boy are they loud tweeters...

More flowers to bloom soon = more pictures that inspire me!
Thanks for stopping by!

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