Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring is just around the corner!

I just got back from my first weight watchers meeting (part of my plan to live a healthier lifestyle for me and my family) and as I was pulling up the drive, I spotted some bright green growth. Daylillies!!

So as Riley slept, I quick scooted over to the garden to see about the Helleboras...

They are amazing! Under 4' of wet & heavy snow for a couple of weeks, and they are even more beautiful than before!

The moss inbetween the flagstones is looking lush...
Is it true? You can blend moss and milk, spread it around and get more coverage growth? Something to try out...

And above, the tiny, new, bright green tips of the day lillies. Wonder if the deer will eat the blooms before we can get a glimpse of them this year... We'll see I guess!

Thanks for stopping by!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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