Friday, May 8, 2009

What 9 days of rain brings to my garden in May

I think it's been raining for like 9 days here in Delaware...
I've been so busy running around, I've hardly noticed...

I had to go into "work mode" in order to get a lot of work done for Marsha Neal Studio.
And my light at the end of the tunnel is having time to catch up and relax a bit over this Mother's Day weekend...

Oh, how the garden is coming to life!
Here are some pics from the garden in the last few days...

These ferns are quite interesting - like a gathering of statues looking down onto something in the center of their group...
Some native grasses starting to emerge....
Like bright green spears coming out of the ground...
The dogwood trees are in bloom, but some of the petals are quite droopy with all the rain...

Smaller blooming Iris (Caesar's) that don't get too many blooms, but they are beautiful when they do emerge...
Chloe found this moth yesterday when we were getting ready to head to school.
I put a few small bells into the garden and she loves ringing them.
Thought it was a small leaf at first that got stuck to the bell hanger...
It's abdomen is pointing towards the camera.

This is a picture of an old moldy tree near my chiropractor's office.
Talk about humidity - we've got it year round here!!!

And of course, Chloe - in her favorite slippers that I got for her.
They are handmade by Piddies (through Etsy)
And I've so got to get me a pair too!!! They are super soft!

Happy Mother's Day Weekend to everyone!!!

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