Sunday, July 3, 2011

I Heart Macro - A Bit Of Everything...

I'm a huge fan of macro pictures.
If you are too, take a peek at:
I Heart Macro, hosted by Studio Waterstone every Sunday…

Here are some pics that I've taken this week:
A Teeny Tiny Toad on 3/4" river rock pebbles.
"Milkshake" Cone Flower blooming in my Garden.
Caterpillar in camouflage on broken 1/2" diameter twig.
Porcelain Clay Grid Shards drying.
I am pretty excited about the quality of photos from my iPhone 
(sometimes with small hand lens).
Makes it easier to take so many pictures without worrying about having another camera with me all the time. These are no digital SLR macro photos, but I'm ok with that for the time being...

Make sure to stop by next week to see what else I've been looking at up close.
And swing over to Studio Waterstone to see more entries for this I Heart Macro Event!


  1. gorgeous shots....all but the caterpillar...I know they can be cute {sometimes} but this little monster looks menacing, even tho' he's in camouflage!


    hello gorgeous xxx

  2. Lovely shots, Marsha. That little toad is quite sweet. And the shards look very interesting, will look for them glazed.

  3. The toad and the flower are amazing but that catapiller looks positively alien! Eek!

  4. Oh I love the caterpillar! I always hound my poor toads and have some fun shots I have to share. I will be watching to see the final resutls on the glazing.

  5. They are all amazing! The caterpillar looks like he's wearing armor!

  6. Wait. These aren't taken with a digital camera? But an iPhone? Holy Cow, man... Incredible! I love that caterpillar, even though I normally don't ;)

  7. They're all beautiful shots, Marsha! I especially love your coneflower. :-)

  8. Can't believe these are from your phone. Great shots!
